Pancreatic cancer occurs when cells in the pancreas grow uncontrollably, thus forming malignancy. The exact cause of pancreatic cancer is still unknown, but there are several factors that can increase a person's risk of developing this cancer. To find out what these factors are, consider the following explanation. Pancreatic cancer is a condition in which there is a malignant tumor in the pancreas, which is an organ located near the stomach. The pancreas is responsible for producing enzymes that the body needs to digest and absorb carbohydrates, protein, and fat found in food. In addition to enzymes, the pancreas also produces two important hormones for the body, namely insulin and glucagon. Pancreatic cancer in its early stages generally has no typical symptoms, or even no symptoms. Pancreatic cancer usually only shows symptoms when the condition is classified as severe. These symptoms include: Decreased or loss of appetite. Weight loss even if you are not on a special diet...